The Bruisers - Independence Day

Rebellion Records - LP -

1333_the_bruisers.jpgFirst album from The Bruisers is released in 1990 on tape, then in 2012 on Rock´n´Roll Disgrace on LP and now also on LP but on Rebellion Records (375 black, 375 silver and 375 black with silver splatters and patch). Album contains seven songs (including cover Nations on Fire from Blitz) but this version contains also four bonus songs - Bloodshead and Society´s Fools from EP Intimidation (but in previously unpublished version) and different versions of Eyes of Fire and Never Fall. The Bruisers is one of the basic bands of American Oi! Scene and you surely know that it is the first band of Ala Barr (Dropkick Murphys). Title indicates the fall of Berlin wall because Al has German descent from mother side and they are living in Berlin in 74 and 75. Song titles are Never Fall, My Pride, 21 Years, Nations on Fire, We Will Survive, Independence Day and Eyes of Fire. Line up on this LP is five pieces. Album is perfect especially songs like Never Fall and Independence Day. Inside is paper with lyrics (except the bonus tracks) and many photos plus few words from Al. This is absolutely classic record and I will not rate it because it is “just” re-release of one of the basic records of US of Oi!
Author: Peddy  •  Rating:  •  Date: 01.01.2025

Tigre - Nella tana delle tigri

Flamingo Records - EP -

1332_tigre.jpgTigre comes from Italian province Liguria (Genoa) and this is their second EP which is released on tape. First EP is called Contro Tigre and it was released on US label LSM Records, second Infrangete la legge (Break the Law) was out just on the web and this one (In the Tigers´ Den) is out on Flamingo Records. On cassete are four songs (total playing time is around about 10 minutes) - Insieme (Together), Dritto al lavoro (Right to Work), I ragazzi sono ragazzi (Boys will be Boys) and NSNM. Musically it is faster streetpunk with more shouted vocals (with the helping vocals from their friends from bands Stiglitz and Flagello) – the band calls their sound turbo Oi!. Nice singalong is in the first song (refrain of Insieme) where all the vocalists are si nging together. Dritto al lavoro is little bit faster than the first one, I ragazzi sono ragazzi has great guitar at the beginning which sounds like from Oxymoron and it has nice refrain. The last one is the slowest and its sound is the saddest (mainly the last part). Music is quite fast and happy (except the last piece) but the lyrics are not so funny – unemployment, lost of hope, wild youth and the will not to give up and bend. I don´t know anything about the booklet because I saw just outside. Check them on
Author: Peddy  •  Rating: 7  •  Date: 18.12.2024

MuD - IronHead

THC DIY Productions - CD -

1331_MUD_iron.pngMuD is hardcore band from Italy which was founded in 2004 and they came from the city of Abruzzo. They have already released three albums plus two online singles. New album is called Ironhead and you may check and hear 12 songs in English including Turn Up the Main Knob with Milof from Fear Factory on vocals and The Tractor Never Stops with their friend Michele (guitarist from band Sikspak). CD opens instrumental The Nest which has something to do with the cover and it goes fluently to the second song Lowlife which hit you with no remorse. This fast rhythm is on most of the songs (Slow Death, Heartbreaking Wait) but there are also more swinging songs like FreeDoom Blues or Bullshit Propaganda. Bass is rattling (you may hear it at the start of Slaves of an Idiot or in Turn Up the Main Knob) and guitar plays interesting solos (like at the end of Point of No Return with nice effect). Lyrics are classics of HC topics – hard life, society which drains you, globalized but anonymous world, illusion of freedom, etc… In booklet are all lyrics plus many band photos. Nice album for the fans of harder style. You may check the whole album here
Author: Peddy  •  Rating: 9  •  Date: 17.12.2024

Battle Ruins - IV.XIII.MMIX

Rebellion Records - LP -

1330_br_IV​XIII​​MMXIX.jpgThe last one so far piece from Battle Ruins was released back in 2019 on cassete and the title means the date of the release. Tape contains three songs - White Death Calling, Hell´s Riders and The Storm of Lead. In 2024 released Rebellion this piece on CD and 10´´ vinyl in three versions (300 black, 250 silver and 450 clear with splatters). This release contains three live songs from 2024 Boston gig as a bonus - Heart of Fire and Stone, Slaughtering the Wolves Like Sheep and Warpaths Ahead. Cover of the album is the Siege of Paris by Vikings from 9th century and it is from painter Alphonse de Neuville plus there is also picture with fight between the Vikings and Indians during sails to Vinland. Lyrics are about battles and fights as usual, so the first one is (I suppose) about Finnish-Russian war and about sniper Simo Häyhä, second one is about the Siege of Paris and the third one is from Vietnam war (My Layi massacre I guess because of mentioned 48th battalion of Vietcong). In all three songs are Brandan´s perfect vocals (most of all I like the last piece The Storm of Lead), second Hell´s Riders is the fastest piece from the album. Since the first string tunes and beat of the drum this really swallows you because it is without mistake. Dark but top quality sound with guitar solos, roaring bass and drums which run this war machine and which crush the weak enemies. Inside are lyrics plus the pictures mentioned above. This is the format which band and these three songs deserve without doubts and I will be glad when I will hear that the band is hitting the studio again. Absolutelly perfect.
Author: Peddy  •  Rating: 10  •  Date: 14.12.2024

Dirty Job - The World´s Decay

Timebomb Records/Hellnation/Subculture for Life - LP -

1329_dirty_job.jpgDebut LP of Italian band called Dirty Job, which was founded on band called Stanley, is called The World´s Decay and it contains ten songs together. Six them are in English and four in Italian (Il Tuo Cammino – Your Path, Ciò che so – What I Want, Non Mollare Mai – Never Give Up and Extrema Ratio – Extrem Ratio). Rescpectively this is their second release, because they have already release a demo in 2022 but just online. The band plays in four but they have two guitars and they called themselves “Rough Oi”. Yes it is rougher compared to other Italian bands but for me it is not so rough, some songs have perfect guitar (just check Cold Heart about the world´s decay, beginning of We Don´t Want You Here, with nice singalong or Just a Boot Boy). Lyrics are about harder life in the today´s world if you are not born with silver spoon in mouth, about cult, brotherhood and music. Italian songs fits more to the band from my point of view in melody and singalong, just check refrain in Il Tuo Cammino, where band sings together or Non Mollare Mai. They have also significant bassguitar which I like. Mostly it is in middle rhythm but they have also on faster piece called Noise. It reminds me early stuff from Oldfashioned Ideas. LP is limited to 300 copies with lyrics and many band photos inside. You can check it here but the songs are in different order.
Author: Peddy  •  Rating: 7  •  Date: 09.12.2024