Nick: Phil
27-01-2014 16:52:39
What would it have to do to get a 1? Ever notice how with reviews in general - whether it's music, movies, video games, whatever: 10 = Good 7 = Average 5 = Bad |
Nick: peddy
Home page:
27-01-2014 13:32:34
Phil: I´ll give 4 once
Nick: Phil
27-01-2014 10:27:04
6? Is that the lowest score you've ever given to a record?
Nick: Phil
16-01-2014 21:03:03
In my country, people who wear Adidas (unless they're doing sports) have a bad reputation for violence, drugs, stealing and listening to hip-hop and dance music. Like anything else, it's not 100% true - but people believe that some kids are going to be trouble just because of the way they dress... |
Nick: Stabber
16-01-2014 20:12:33
Náhodou...čím víc pruhů,tím víc Adidas
Nick: Bootweiser
16-01-2014 15:37:17
Ten obal mě tak nasral,že už to ani slyšet nechci
Nick: Stabber
16-01-2014 13:53:54
Sice jsem to neslyšel,ale Bobo má recht Co bude příště??Elvis revival chinese band???
Nick: peddy
Home page:
16-01-2014 13:50:07
Bootweiser: ovšem hudebně je to naprostá paráda...a dělaj i trika
Nick: Bootweiser
16-01-2014 13:33:37
Tenisková dekadence na pokračování tady.Ti pošuci z Hard Evidence měli založit raději sportovní oddíl než Skin band. Ta reklama na Adidas byla zdarma?
Nick: Nessuna Resa/Légitime Violence
Home page:
14-01-2014 01:23:01
Nessuna Resa & Légitime Violence - Rivolta (Plastic Surgery cover) |