Nick: peddy
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07-02-2013 10:54:21
Phil: I think that White Flag Down EP will be soon sold out...and back to the Bronco Army the song The Shape of Things to Come is from Slade so you are right...all their songs from EP are on the full album
Nick: Phil
07-02-2013 00:43:34
I saw that 4Subculture have the new Lion's Law 'Watch Em Die' EP. I might get that when I next buy stuff... Sounds pretty good... I also discovered White Flag Down (I don't think that the name refers to anything sinister) today, who also sound pretty good to me... |
Nick: peddy
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06-02-2013 21:13:05
Phil: the same case as Dead On´s...I also bought Righteous and Olde York EP from Lionheart Records...I have to look for some info about this songs if they are previously released or not
Nick: Phil
06-02-2013 20:46:40
Yeah - and they'd better not put that one song on the next oi! compilation... It's just one of my annoyances when bands release the same songs over and over within a short time... (obviously its different if the thing is advertised as being a single from the album - this wasn't) |
Nick: peddy
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06-02-2013 20:03:46
Phil:on Bronco Army EP is 3 songs from the regular CD but the last one called The Shape of Things to Come is just on this EP
Nick: Phil
04-02-2013 21:21:52
The below post was mine. Sorry, I typed 'Peddy' into the wrong box... VVVVVVVVV |
Nick: Peddy
04-02-2013 21:21:06
Peddy - this one is called 'To My'. I listened to a few songs from it on YouTube today. I don't understand the words, but I think I made a good choice... MadarSkin - how about this as an image to post in response when two skinheads in different countries are on Facebook saying that they're going to kick each other's asses... |
Nick: MadarSkin
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04-02-2013 15:25:35
Oh, and I forgot the most important: orange-yellow laces: white laces with alcoholic vomit on it. Oh, that's a rhyme, too! |
Nick: peddy
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04-02-2013 07:44:00
Phil: the band is ok, I like their CD Błyskawic Ślad
Nick: Phil
03-02-2013 23:28:23
By the way - have any of you guys heard of a Polish band called LUMPEX 75? I bought one of their CDs because it was cheap. Never heard them...