Nick: peddy
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08-07-2012 19:15:42
Phil,HS: just received split EP OFC with Klasse Kriminalle and four split EP with Control, Choisen Ones, OFC and On File review will be next week (with some cooler stuff for sure like new Discharger, The Black Tartan Clan, Raufandel or Jenny Woo EP)
Nick: Phil
08-07-2012 18:02:25
HS - it annoys me how the oi/punk labels will spend money on helping this 40 year old rich guy prove to the world that he's now a real skinhead, instead of giving new bands a chance.
Nick: Hungarian Skins
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08-07-2012 13:33:38
My real problem is that they make songs like kittens born, but few of them are good. One year old band and 20 new songs, maybe 7 of them are cool... I don't know, much bands don't get this kind of popularity, but they do because of the star Millwall guy.
Nick: Phil
08-07-2012 12:46:47
Hungarian Skins - agreed. I suppose that the thinking is that you can record an album's worth of songs and get 10 releases out of them instead of 1. I won't buy any of them. I can't stand the guy or what he represents. Or the way that he has good bands climbing all over him. |
Nick: peddy
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06-07-2012 18:07:14
Stabáč: omyl, já jsem v domácích luzích a hájích
Nick: Stabber
06-07-2012 17:59:23
Nebýt hodného stabbera,tak to tady vůbec nežije...Hodný pán je totálně nefunkční,Káčer se zřejmě motá ve víru lásky,Pedál chlastá v cizině a Vlad se potlouká po krásách naší země a fotí sebe sama na způsob "Vlad stokrát jinak a přesto pořád krásný"
Nick: Hungarian Skins
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06-07-2012 09:52:26
I think it's too much from these OFC splits...
Nick: Stabber
04-07-2012 20:32:48
Asi zaskočím
Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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04-07-2012 17:48:06
Peddy_: Tima :o) Když psal do práce, že nenastoupí, že mu ulítlo letadlo a další letí v pátek, šéf mu odepsal, že v pohodě, že tohle je přesně Tim, kterýho zná Matta a ostatní očekávám ve čtvrtek - to zas bude ty vole zlo
Nick: Stabber
04-07-2012 12:12:24
Anebo Jana Tleskače?