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Nick: peddy
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22-11-2012 12:54:21
Phil: thanks, I will check it. A friend of my told me that their earlier stuff was better than this album.

Nick: Phil
22-11-2012 12:24:28
Peddy: The Toughskins first album...

I listened to it myself on mp3 for the first time last week. Pretty good, I think (though it's short). It's out of print now, but I'll probably buy it on CD if I see it anywhere.

by the way - "IC1" = UK police radio code for a white person

Nick: Stabber
22-11-2012 12:12:09
Chicken : Good night apolitical side,you know?

Nick: peddy
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22-11-2012 07:41:17
Chicken Box: Well simply I like their music and I don´t want to judge their other projets...but I really like IC1 and The Dirty Bunch

Nick: Chicken Box
21-11-2012 22:39:04
I support your freedom of speech, but I was wondering why you choose to feature bands on your site that include members that are also in far-right/fascist/nazi/etc. bands? Why give publicity to these guys?

I don't have a problem with bands like the TMF or THUG, that have people in them that used to be, but are no longer part of the far-right scene, for what it's worth. But when you have the guy from Razor's Edge or the guy from Empire Falls, or people from Steelcapped Strength doing non-political oi! while still carrying on with their other WP stuff too, it disappoints me when regular oi! fans just accept them in the scene.

Just a question as a reader. I'm not telling you what to do with your own page.

Nick: peddy
21-11-2012 13:44:11
henks: jasne :) ja to jen prekladam smajlik 1

Nick: Tom Henks
21-11-2012 12:05:27
Milouš začal psát recenze?! smajlik 1 smajlik 19

Nick: Stabber
17-11-2012 19:31:56
Hm...Káčer se zalekl Vlada a jeho zloby a je fuč smajlik 10

Nick: Stabber
15-11-2012 14:33:11
Vladouš : Takže pořád dokola.Maloměšťáku smajlik 9

Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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15-11-2012 09:19:00
Staprdel: Hodně synku, samé děti, příroda, muzeum, trocha té architektury - prostě život smajlik 12 smajlik 1

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