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Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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02-08-2012 00:21:30
Phil: You´ve right to change :D Anyway, I can´t stand sometimes clichee Oi! bands and neverending talking ´bout working class ;o)

Nick: Phil
01-08-2012 23:34:57
Yeah, I think that I was just really in the wrong mood for them when I first heard them. It was their 'Sword Of Our Ancestors' album - and I absolutely hated it. Thought it sounded like bad hair metal and very overblown. Now I don't think that. smajlik 16

Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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01-08-2012 23:10:31
Phil: Discharger were and still are one of the best Skinhead bands around ;o) Great guys - no trendy wankers smajlik 3

Nick: Phil
01-08-2012 22:27:43
The new Discharger album is awesome. Buy it.

I used to think that this band was absolutely shit, but I've completely revised my opinion on them in the last year or so...

Nick: Stabber
01-08-2012 13:24:10
smajlik 1 smajlik 1

Nick: Bootweiser
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01-08-2012 10:01:57
Tolik zdravé sebekritiky bych od Vlada Bullfroga nečekal smajlik 3

Nick: Stabber
31-07-2012 13:37:26
Vlade nezlob a jdi se fotit smajlik 11

Nick: Vlad_the_Bulldog
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31-07-2012 09:56:11
Píšou si tady 4 lidi jak nějaký buzeranti, zbytek si jen čte a evidentně nemá co říct, nuda smajlik 2 PS: A ti kdo píší, to je beztak většinou nekonečná sračka smajlik 3 smajlik 1

Nick: Phil
30-07-2012 23:58:42
Yeah, Stabber - Jenny Woo is getting famous enough now for people to start making fun of her. This has yet to happen with Antonella or the bird from Deadline.

Nick: Stabber
30-07-2012 23:36:10
Holy shit.

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