1. So at first can you
introduce your band, members, and told us how you meet each other?
Hi, we are Rampage from Germany! We are 5 ugly nice guys! At first there is
Christian our frontman, Atto lead guitar, Fruchti bassplayer, Marco the man
with the drums and Schlick rhythm guitar!
We know us since years from concerts, pubs and other friends.
2. I know that some of you played in
band Brachial, why did you change the name to Rampage and has your members
experiences with playing in other bands instead of Brachial?
The only thing that connect us with Brachial is Schlick. He played there
also the guitar, but the band split up. Rampage is another great band which has
nothing to do with Brachial. We can‘t understand that people always conect us
with Brachial. Just listen to our sound and you will understand that both bands
are different.
So as you know Schlick played at Brachial and Backstreet Firm, Fruchti
played at the past at Kriegsberichter and now also at Anti Clockwise, Marco and
Christian played at FSK18, Atto is our specialist, he learned playing guitar
alone with no help and also the bass.
3. What are your musical influences?
Gold old traditional Skinhead bands like 4Skins, the early years from Skrewdriver, Endstufe, Braindance, Evil Skins and stuff like this. We always like pure, true Skinhead Rock‘n‘Roll with hard lyrics which step you in your face!

4. You come from Niedersachsen, so can
you describe the scene there? Young bands which worth listening, pubs, clubs,
For us the scene has changed the last years, there are more and more
commercial concerts which are just there to make money and make the people
behind richer and richer. That‘s no Skinhead and we don‘t drive to concerts
like this. It‘s difficult to have fun at concert when the whole crowd are
stupid internet kids which don‘t know how to live the way of life! So we drive
to smaller concerts in whole Germany and foreign countries like Belgium, Sweden
and so on. That‘s the reason why we just want to play at smaller concerts. We try
to keep the Way of Life true and pure.
At the moment we have some good new bands here at Germany, we can suggest
you Anti Clockwise, Orange Blood, Rien ve las plus young bands with power. Germany
has very much good zines like Stolz und Stil, Bomberpilot, Meinungsfreiheit, Zwergpirat…good
stuff and easy to read. We don‘t have Skinhead pubs, so we support always our
local pubs or Irish pubs. At the past we go to the Menfis a Skinhead Pub, R.I.P!
And anywhere we lay our heads, we call it home.
5. Who is responsible for your music and lyrics?
We all have our own ideas and work together! That‘s what we call a band..
6. Your new CD was released on Skins on
Attack Records, are you satisfied with the label? And make also some advertisement
on it....
We are very satisfied with the work from Skins on Attack. They make very
much advertisement for us and support us very good! We salute Skins on Attack
and thank you!
7. What about playing gigs - do you like
it? And also what should we do to organise your gig, what are your
We like it to play gigs and have party on stage, but we don‘t want to play
too often, that keeps us interesting and for us and the Skins it‘s not boring.
We play for a place to sleep, enough beer and money for the trip! We like it to
meet people and have with them a couple of beers, so invite us!
8. Do you know anything about Czech scene and bands?
Not really much, we know Pilsner Oiquell, Orlik…yes, and the scene…as we said
invite us!
9. Plans for the future....
Playing good concerts and have a lot of fun, drinking beer with our friends
and just have a good time. We also work on new songs and hope you will like it!
10. Last words for our readers...
We hope you like our music and that you can identify with our lyrics! Cheers
and Beers Rampage!